Space not Distance

The more I think about it, the more it feels wrong. Words are more powerful than we usually give them credit for, and determine the way we react to others, ourselves, and situations in general. Words label something, and sometimes even make it what it is. Words restrict us, guide us and help us to understand things. And in this case I think two words put simply together, to control an out of control situation, are not conducive to helping.

Social distancing.

It ‘seems’ relatively apt, and has been taken on as the rule that is meant to be, but I think those two words put together are detrimental. Because in this time of chaos, people are not only grappling to understand the concept of a worldwide pandemic, they are also reaching for comfort and reassurance. They need information, they need instruction, and they need to know what it means to them.

We should be ‘physical distancing’ to stop viral spread, YES I totally agree. But social distancing is going to hurt.

Now, more than ever, people need to come together socially, to communicate, to connect, to be together while we are apart. We need to stay informed so we can follow rules properly. We need to video chat, message, text, talk, reach out virtual hands to those who need to hold them. To let others know while they are apart, not alone.

We need to make sure our friends, our neighbours, our colleagues, our essential service & emergency workers are all safe and mentally and emotionally coping with both the distance, and the workload.

There have already been suicides by people in isolation, who could not handle the change. There have been employees so afraid of catching a virus they have only yet seen pushed through the media, that they are having breakdowns. There have been people ignoring rules, making light of it all, and disregarding advice. There are people at risk, working through it all. 

It’s a shite situation for everyone. Whether we’re at work, at home, or away from home. It’s scary. It’s nerve-wracking. It’s confusing. It’s exhausting.

We should NOT Social distance. We should Physical distance, and do our best to stay safe. We should reach out if we need to. We should be available for others who need us. We should take care of others, and as importantly, ourselves.

Physical distance

Wash your hands

Stay home if you’re sick

Stay home whenever you can

Socially connect!

Stay safe Kids. Maybe there will be a silver lining to this, but we need to be around to see it.